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精力的英文翻译 精力英文怎幺说 精力的英文例句





energy [enәdʒi]



我们没有足够的时间和精力去做这件事,这是非常明显的。It was screamingly obvious to me that we couldn't afford to do it.我们正在努力将精力集中于这个问题上。We're trying to zero in on the problem.我们只要观察一下那些精力十足的幼畜就能知道远系繁殖的好处。The benefit of outbreeding might be explanation enough for the vigour of their offspring.我是一个身体结实、精力旺盛的苏格兰人。I am a hardy and a vigorous scot.以更加充沛的精力和热情工作。Work with renewed vigour and enthusiasm以他往常的精力争辩;Arguing with his usual vim;有极端和暴力的精力。Marked by extreme and violent energy.愿意轮班工作并保持精力充沛。Willing to work on shift and keep energetic for shift work.整个学期你都要集中精力攻微观经济学The wholsemester shouldconcenate on microeconomics政府似乎已经耗尽精力了。The government seems to be running out of oomph.


使...有精力 juice up

使...精力充沛 brought to life

使分散精力 distract from

保留精力到最后阶段便用 wait off

将全副精力用于 bore down upon; borne down on; borne down upon

恢复过来的精力 second breath; second wind

拿出精力 work off steam

精力 nerve; stamina

精力充沛 hot and heavy

精力充沛地继续 gone string; went string

精力充沛的 alive and kicking; in great force

精力旺盛 be full of go

精力旺盛地 like one possessed

精力旺盛的 energetic

耗精力 enervate with

耗费精力 burnt the candle at both ends

花掉多余的精力 off steam

花部分精力照管 keep one eye on

集中精力于 immure in

集中精力做 apply one''s mind to; apply themselves to

集中精力考虑 run upon

需要花巨大精力去完成的工作 labor of hercules; labours of hercules

需要花费巨大精力去完成的工作 the labours of hercules

