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前臂的英文翻译 前臂英文怎幺说 前臂的英文例句



[qián bì]


forearm [fɔ:r'a:m]

    n.前臂 vt.準备战斗,预先武装,準备


我喜欢用前臂式发传球。I like to usea forearm pass.肱二头肌位于上肢前面使前臂屈曲的大型肌肉The large muscle at the front of the upper arm that flexes the forearm.前臂和手指动作是补充的:两者都不可以相互代替。The forearm and finger motions are complementary: neither can substitute for the other.请将您的前臂伸入前臂插座中Please insert your forearm into the forearm receptacle.特拉真式游泳法前臂交替运动及剪水动作互为配合的泳姿A swimming stroke in which an alternating overarm movement is combined with a scissors kick.咱们用过他的眼镜,”西蒙边说,边用前臂擦擦黑汗汗的脸颊。We used his specs "said simon smearing a black cheek with his forearm.


前臂 forearm

前臂内侧皮神经 medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve

前臂内侧缘 medial border of forearm又称"前臂尺侧缘"。

前臂分叉术 forearm splitting operation

前臂前区 anterior antebrachial region

前臂后区 posterior antebrachial region

前臂后皮神经 posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve

前臂外侧皮神经 lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve

前臂外侧缘 lateral border of forearm又称"前臂●侧缘"。

前臂正中静脉 median antebrachial vein

前臂游离皮瓣 forearm free skin flap

前臂筋膜 antebrachial fascia

前臂肌肉电控假肢 myoelectrically controlled artifical forearm

前臂长 forearm length

前臂骨间膜 interosseous membrane of forearm

