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经不起的英文翻译 经不起英文怎幺说 经不起的英文例句




    can't stand it
    to be unable to bear
    to be unable to resist

stand [stænd]

    n.停止,抵抗的状态,立场,立足点,看台,架子,台 v.站,立,站起,(使)竖立,(使)位于,维持不变,持久,经受

it [it]

    pron.它;Italy,义大利;Information Technology,资讯技术

unable [ʌn'eib(ә)l]


bear [beә(r)]

    n.熊 v.负担,忍受,带给,具有,挤,向


累坏了,让我休息一下吧;咄,我的老骨头经不起这样折腾了!I am a-weary give me leave awhile: fie how my bones ache! What a jaunt have I had!利德盖特是在卖弄自己那些轻率的、经不起时间考验的外国观念。Lydgate paraded flighty foreign notions which would not wear.谋反者是经不起惊吓的。A conspirator is not of the stuff to bear surprises.年轻人经不起引诱,把一笔钱放在赌桌上。The young man listened to the voice of the temper and put a sum of money upon the gaming table.草率的工作绝对经不起检查。Slipshod work will never pass muster.船员们拒绝驾驶这条经不起风浪的船出海。The crew refused to go to sea in such an unseaworthy vessel.儘管有我的呵护,这些凋谢的花至今仍经不起阳光。Hitherto the withering flowers cant withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care.联合国会员再也经不起畏首畏尾。The un's member-nations can no longer afford to pussyfoot around the issue.水果经不起长途运输。The fruit will not bear transportation to any great distance.我要你去做準备,算是对你这个经不起劳累的人的一番好意。I'm asking you as a kindness to a weaker vessel than yourself to make the arrangements.英国经不起另一个像在上一个10年中带来严重破坏的那种发展与停顿的迴圈了。The uk can not afford another stop-go cycle of the kind that brought ruin in the last decade.罂粟经不起移植。Poppies do not transplant well.


经不起航海 n. unseaworthiness

经不起艰苦 be not framed for severe hardships

