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警探的英文翻译 警探英文怎幺说 警探的英文例句



[jǐng tàn]

    police detective

police [pә'li:s]

    n.员警队,员警机关,公安部门 vt.管辖,维持治安 adj.员警的,有关员警的

detective [di'tektiv]

    n.侦探 adj.侦探的


警探穿着便衣。The detectives were in plain clothes.对不起,哈金森警探来了I'm sorry.detective hutchinson is here.对巡航导弹进行预警探测,是拦截巡航导弹的首要条件。The early warning detection to cruise missile is the first condition of intercepting cruise missile.我是戴普希警探洛伦佐•康斯尔This is dempsy detective lorenzo council.戴尔•史普纳警探:那个机器人。Detective del spooner: the robot.圣罗莎的警探也去了那里Some detectives from santa rosa will be there.史普纳警探已经被停职了Detective spooner` s been suspended.苏格兰场警探陪同廉署人员离开酒店,出发到希斯路机场。Icac officers accompanied by police officers from scotland yard left hotel for heathrow airport.他们还把圣罗莎的警探叫来了They sent for the santa rosa police.这名卧底警员是三等警探罗德尼。米哈斯The undercover officer was detective third grade rodney minhas.


感温式火灾报警探测器 fire alarm detector of thermal type

镭射报警探测器 laser alarm detector

火灾报警探测器 detector for fire alarm system

火警探测器 fire detector

火警探测器开关 fire detector switch

火警探测系统试验开关 fire detection system test switch

火警探测装置 n. fire detecting system

离子式火灾报警探测器 fire alarm detector of ion type

