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颈静脉的英文翻译 颈静脉英文怎幺说 颈静脉的英文例句



[jǐng jìngmài]

    jugular vein;jugular;carotid vein;shoulder vein;vena jugularis

jugular [dʒʌgjulә(r)]

    adj.喉的,颈的,颈静脉的 n.颈静脉

vein [vein]

    n.血管,静脉,叶脉,翅脉,矿脉,纹理,性情,心绪 vt.使成脉络,象脉络般分布于

carotid [kærɔtid]

    n.[解剖]颈动脉 adj.颈动脉的

shoulder [ʃәuldә(r)]

    n.肩,肩部,侧翼 vt.肩负,承当


从右侧穿了过去,对颈静脉造成了严重伤害Went right through severed your jugular.发现在颈静脉处有轻微的发炎A slight irritation of the anterior jugular.割开她的气管,颈静脉,会厌软骨,舌骨和舌头Cut through the windpipe the jugular the epiglottis the hyoid the tongue.或者就是正好击中颈静脉Or a well-placed strike to the jugular.颈动脉和颈静脉被割断Severed carotid and jugular complex.两侧内颈静脉支架置放术也是少见的技术。Bilateral internal jugular vein stenting is also a rare procedure.某些东西穿透了这的外颈静脉Something punctured the external jugular vein here.外颈静脉上扎了个孔The external jugular vein here.我真想把我那把尖头指甲锉捅进她的颈静脉。I felt like sliding my pointed nail file into her jugular vein.正好在颈静脉上,头一回。Right in the jugular first time.


经颈静脉胆管造影术 transjugular cholangiography

肝颈静脉反流征 hepatojugular reflux

颈静脉上球 superior bulb of internal jugular vein

颈静脉下球 inferior bulb of internal jugular vein

颈静脉切迹 jugular notchjugular notch, jugular incisurejugular notch, suprasternal notch又称"胸骨上切迹"。

颈静脉壁 jugular wall

颈静脉孔 jugular foramen

颈静脉孔内突 intrajugular processintrajugular process

颈静脉孔综合征 jugular foramen syndrome

颈静脉弓 jugular venous arch

颈静脉扩张 jugular phlebectasia

颈静脉搏动 jugular venous pulsation

颈静脉神经 jugular nerve

颈静脉突 jugular process

颈静脉窝 jugular fossa

颈静脉结节 jugular tubercle

