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颈动脉的英文翻译 颈动脉英文怎幺说 颈动脉的英文例句



[jǐng dòngmài]

    carotid artery (medicine)

carotid [kærɔtid]

    n.[解剖]颈动脉 adj.颈动脉的

artery [a:teri]


medicine [meds(ә)n; (-) 'medisn]

    n.药,医学,内科学,内服药 vt.给...用药


他开创了颈动脉插管治疗He pioneered the use of carotid stents.她用铁管猛击他的颈动脉She whacks him across the carotid with a pipe.我刚刚检查过颈动脉了I'll just check the carotid artery.我们现在在你的颈动脉里。We're in your carotid artery.我用一个弹壳划开了我的颈动脉I used one of those to scratch open my carotid artery.重创了右边的颈动脉Severing the right common carotid.左边的颈动脉被割断了I'd say this laceration transected the left carotid.看我颈动脉的搏动。Watch my jugular v ein throb.


颈动脉 carotid artery

颈动脉三角 carotid triangle

颈动脉体 carotid body

颈动脉体化学感受器瘤 chemodectoma of carotid body又称"颈动脉体瘤carotid body tumor)"。

颈动脉内膜切除术 carotid endarterectomy

颈动脉壁 carotid wall

颈动脉导管 carotid duct

颈动脉小球 carotid glomus

颈动脉弓 carotid arch

颈动脉杈 carotid bifurcation

颈动脉植片修补术 patch grafting of carotid artery

颈动脉沟 carotid sulcus

颈动脉瘤 aneurysm of carotid artery

颈动脉窦 carotid sinus

颈动脉窦压力感受器反射 carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex

颈动脉窦支 carotid sinus branch

颈动脉窦综合征 carotid sinus syndrome

颈动脉管 carotid canal

颈动脉结扎术 carotid artery ligation

颈动脉结节 carotid tubercle

颈动脉血栓切除术 carotid thrombectomy

颈动脉鞘 carotid sheath

