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neck [nek]



在遭破坏的甲板的颈部,计算者检查了这张不透明支票。At the neck of the wrecked deck the reckoner checked the opaque cheque.在遭破籱档募装宓?-颈部,计算者检查了这张不透明支票。At the neck of jhe wrecs d deck the reckoner z checked the opaque cheque.在枕骨的状突和颈背的下部寻找受伤点On the occipital condyle and the inferior nuchal line.


三颈烧瓶 three-necked flask

三颈瓶 three-necked bottle

上颈手枷 pillory

下颌颈 neck of mandible

主轴颈 crank journal,main journal

主轴颈下沉量 deflection of main journal

井颈 shaft collar井口以下井壁加厚、加强的一段井筒。

交感神经型颈椎病 sympathetic type of cervical spondylosis

交通瓶颈 traffic bottleneck

以一颈之差得胜 win by a head

侧颈片 lateral cervicale颈侧片

偏颈手摇把 offset hand lever

先天性短颈综合征 Klippel-Feil syndrome又称"克利佩尔-费尔综合征"。

先天性膀胱颈挛缩 congenital contracture of bladder neck

全颈式 holochoanitic

公牛颈 bull neck

冻熟短颈蛤肉 frozen short-necked clam meat,boiled

冻猪颈背肉 frozen pork nape

冻短颈哈 frozen short necked clam

冻鸡颈 frozen broiler neck

初生颈细胞 primary neck cell

前颈式 prochoanitic

副颈片 paranuchal plate

割喉竞争,割颈竞争 cut-throat competition

功能性颈清扫术 functional neck dissection

加强半圆头方颈螺栓 strong oval head square neck bolt

助螯器颈 collum of rutellum助螯器颈

半圆头方颈螺栓 half round head square neck bolt step bolt

半颈式 hemichoanitic

双角单颈子宫 uterus bicornis unicollis拉)

