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颈部的英文翻译 颈部英文怎幺说 颈部的英文例句



[jǐng bù]

    the neck area of the body

neck [nek]


area [eәriә]


body [bɔdi]

    n.身体,肉体,人,尸体,主要部分,团体,大量 vt.赋以形体


他幸运地从事故中脱险,没受什幺重伤,只是颈部扭伤。Fortunately he escaped from the wreck with nothing more serious than whiplash.她颈部有擦伤,应该是扼杀留下的痕迹。She's got bruising to the neck which is consistent with manual strangulation.跳入深到颈部的水中Plunge into the water up to one's neck为突出她的修长优美的颈部,设计师选择了缀满珠子的宽颈圈。To accentuate her long graceful neck the stylist chose a wide beaded choker.我颈部血痂斑驳的巨大伤痕。The great multi-coloured and blood-encrusted weal on my neck.一个颈部以下全都瘫痪的人。A person paralysed from the neck down.硬披肩修女通常用来遮住颈部和双肩的浆得硬挺的布A starched cloth covering the neck and shoulders as part of a nun's habit.在遭破坏的甲板的颈部,计算者检查了这张不透明支票。At the neck of the wrecked deck the reckoner checked the opaque cheque.在遭破籱档募装宓?-颈部,计算者检查了这张不透明支票。At the neck of jhe wrecs d deck the reckoner z checked the opaque cheque.


噬菌体颈部 collar

牙颈部 dental cervix

牙颈部龋 cervical caries

理论颈部厚度 n. theoretical throat thickness

翻颈部 introvertere, introvert

膀胱颈部Y-V成形术 Y-V plasty of bladder neck

面颈部毛囊性红斑黑变病 erythromelanosis follicularis of face and neck

颈部 cervical partcervical partcervical partcervical part

颈部八角羊角锤 double-faced in neck claw hammer

颈部厚度 n. throat thickness

颈部烧伤 burn of neck region

颈部肌节 cervical myotome

颈部食管胃吻合术 cervical esophagogastrostomy

颈部饰物 neckwear

