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金币的英文翻译 金币英文怎幺说 金币的英文例句




    gold coin

gold [gәuld]

    n.黄金,金币 adj.金的,金制的

coin [kɔin]

    n.硬币 vt.铸造(硬币)


他在黑市上购买金币。He bought gold coins on the black market.太阳透过树叶的棋盘格子,往他那睿智的肩头上抛下一片片闪光小圆装饰,跳动着的金币。On his wise shoulders through the checkerwork of leaves the sun flung spangles dancing coins我把他所有的本钱全赢回来了,我膝上还有满把的金币。I gained him his whole money and had a handful of guineas in my lap.很多黄金饰物回炉后铸成了金币。Many of the gold ornaments are melt down to be made into coin.她解开手帕,一大把金币滚了出来,撒落在床上。She untied the knot and a handful of gold coins rolled out on the bed.现在该开保险库取金币了。And now his strongroom for the gold.现在他又递给我一纸筒金币,我从他手里接下,却放到了桌上。He now gave me a rouleau of gold. I took it from his hand but laid it on the table.一种早期的西班牙金币。A former spanish gold coin.


二元半金币 quarter eagler

十元金币 eagle

半英镑金币 half-sovereign

旧英国金币 guinea

普通金币 base metals

用坏的金币 light gold

美俗称五美元的金币 half eagle

调整金币成色以稳定货币的购买力 compensate

金币 gold coins; gold money

金币兑本位制 gold exchange standard

金币公债 gold bond

金币升水政策 gold premium policy

金币国 gold using country

金币本位 gold coin standard; gold specie standard

金币本位 gold coin standard; gold specie standard

金币条款 gold coin clause

金币汇兑 gold exchange

金币流券 gold certificate

金币的法定公价 mint price of gold

金币纸币平均法 gold par method

金币铸造差利,金币铸造税 seigniorage

金币铸造税 seigniorage

