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近中的英文翻译 近中英文怎幺说 近中的英文例句



[jìn zhōng]



孢子囊群靠近中脉着生;囊群盖球形,膜质。Sori borne near the costule indusium spherical membranous.靠近海岸的地区有很温和的冬天,相比而方,靠近中央的平原就变得非常寒冷。The coastal area has very mild winter but by contrast the central plains become extremely cold.我压根没接近中庭I wasn't anywhere near that atrium.白话文更接近中国的工人阶级。Pai-hua made literature more accessible to china's working class.处在船只或者飞机的舱内或者最靠近中线的地方。Located within the hull or nearest the midline of a vessel or aircraft.近中午时,一个女孩听到从某堵墙后传来闷糊糊的叫喊声。Towards midday a girl heard a muffled cry coming from behind one of the walls.时近中午,早市快结束了,突然有个商人走了过来。It was nearly noon and the morning market was almost overwhen a merchant walked by.它在视丘下部靠近中线的地方It's midline near the hypothalamus.在接近中脉处有一个或多个切刻。Having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib.在缅甸最北端和临近中国及印度的地区说的藏--缅甸语。Tibeto-burman languages spoken in northernmost burma and adjacent china and india.


渐近中心 asymptotic center

近中-●-远中窝洞 mesio-occluso-distal cavity, MOD cavity又称"MOD窝洞"。

近中-切-远中窝洞 mesio-incisio-distal cavity, MID cavity又称"MID窝洞"。

近中○ mesiocclusion

近中向阻生 mesioangular impaction

近中天 ex-meridian

近中着丝粒染色体 submetacentric chromosome

近中错位 mesioversion

近中面 mesial surface

