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禁制的英文翻译 禁制英文怎幺说 禁制的英文例句



[jìn zhì]

    to control
    to restrict
    to prohibit

control [kәn'trol]

    n.控制,支配,管理,调节,抑制,控制器,调节装置 vt.控制,支配,管理(物价等),操纵,抑制

restrict [ri'strikt]



政府已申请禁制令, 禁止该报发表此事The government has sought an injunction preventing the paper from publishing the story.快醒醒,感觉一下什幺叫禁制令吧Wake up and smell the restraining order.哦,那个禁制令!Okay that restraining order!我是不是说了禁制令?Did I mention the restraining order?


临时禁制令 temporary prohibition

侵害禁制区域罪 encroachment on restricted area

协定禁製品 conventional contraband

单人囚禁制 system of single imprisonment

週末拘禁制 system of arresting on weekend

战时禁制人 interdicted person

战时禁製品 contraband of war; war contraband

无条件禁製品 unconditional contraband

无看守监禁制 honor system

有条件禁製品 conditional contraband

相对禁製品 relative contraband

禁制 interdict; interdiction; prohibition

禁制令 prohibition order; prohibitive injunction

禁製品 banned products; restricted cargo

禁製品交易 contraband traffic

禁製品单 contraband goods; list of contraband

禁製品宣告 declaration of contraband

禁製品的直接载运 direct carriage of contraband

禁製品的迂回运载 circuitous carriage of contraband

禁製品类似物 analogue of contraband; contraband by analog

禁製品贸易 contraband trade

禁制因素 inhibitors

禁制性婚姻障碍 prohibitive impediments

禁制方式 form of prohibition

绝对禁製品 absolute contraband

长期禁制令 permanent injunction

隔离监禁制 isolated confinement system

非禁製品 noncontraband

