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金条的英文翻译 金条英文怎幺说 金条的英文例句



[jīn tiáo]

    gold bar;bar gold;bullion bar

gold [gәuld]

    n.黄金,金币 adj.金的,金制的

bar [ba:(r)]

    n.条,棒(常用作栅栏,扣栓物),横木,酒吧间,栅,障碍物 vt.禁止,阻挡,妨碍,把门关住,除...之外


本条例可引称为《李宝椿慈善信託基金条例》。This ordinance may be cited as the li po chun charitable trust fund ordinance.福特?诺克斯家的地窖里藏了很多金条。Much bullion is stored in the vaults at fort knox.狗屎,那是我的金条Oh shit! That was my gold bar!窃贼偷去价值1000000英镑的金条。The thieves stole1 000000 in gold bullion.如果你只能将这根金条切割两次,你怎样给这些工人分?If you are only allowed to make two breaks in the gold bar how do you pay your worker?我们能在5分钟内买好金条We can have the gold bullion purchased in five minutes这根金条要被分成七块。The gold bar is segmented into seven connected pieces.本条例可引称为《商船海员援助基金条例》。This ordinance may be cited as the mercantile marine assistance fund ordinance.


五年保证年金条款 five-year guarantee pensions

以死亡为给付保险金条件的人身保险 life insurance contemplating death as condition of payment

佣金条款 commission clause

偿债基金条款 sinking fund provisions

废除黄金条款联合决议 gold repeal joint resolution

成本、保险费、运费加佣金条件 cost, insurance, freight and commission terms

用于外贸结算的金条 export bar

租金条款 hire clause

罚金条款 provision of fine

证券的偿债基金条款 sinking fund provision

金条 gold bar

金条本位制 gold-bullion standard

金条款 gold clause

黄金保留条款,黄金条款 gold clause

黄金条款 gold clause

黄金条款事件 gold clause case

黄金条款协定 gold clause agreement

