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积木的英文翻译 积木英文怎幺说 积木的英文例句




    toy building blocks

toy [tɔi]


building [bildiŋ]


blocks ['blɔks]



小男孩正在搭积木。The little boy is piling up his building blocks.孩子在搭积木玩。The child entertained himself with his building blocks.不错,我们有各种各样的玩具,如塑胶拖行玩具、积木等。Yes we have a big variety of toys such as plastic toddler toys building blocks.孩子们正在玩积木。Children are playing building blocks.积木对开发儿童智力有好处。Toy bricks are good to children's intellectual development.那小孩小心翼翼地把一块积木放在另一块上面。The child set one toy brick carefully on top of another.你们有泡胶制的积木吗?Have you got any foam building blocks?她在玩着我的积木,还把它们弄得乱七八糟,我快气死了。She was playing my building blocks and got them so messed up to make me crazy.这个小男孩正在堆他的积木。The little boy was piling up his building blocks.这两个孩子在玩积木时吵了起来。The two children fell out when playing with the building blocks.因为小时候我的第一件玩具是积木,于是我便成为一位建筑师。As I got a box of block puzzle as my first toy I became an architect well normally.


功能积木化 functional modularity

建筑积木 building puzzle

积木 blocks brick building block

积木世界 block world

积木世界系统的功能 blocksworld systems functions

积木化设计 modular design

积木式 cordwood system type

积木式多光谱段扫描器 modular multispectral scanner

积木式布图系统 building-block layout system

积木式机器 building block machine

积木式组件 cordwood module 积欠 account in arrears

积木式结构 modular construction

积木式电脑 model computer

积木式设计 building block design

积木性 modularity

积木游戏器具 building games

积木系统 building block system

