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    that will do

will [wil]

    n.意志,决心,意向,遗嘱 v.aux.将,愿意,必须


无需增加特殊的轮毂即可以在阀门壳壁上开孔的最大管道尺寸。Maximum pipe size that may be tapped in valve wall without adding special bosses.新设计的插秧机不久即可使用。The newly designed rice transplanter will soon be operational.一旦获准立即可以进行卫星通讯Satcom can be arranged as soon as he becomes available.一小时后即可卸货。These goods will be unload in an hour.炸:在七成热油锅中炸至金黄色捞起即可食用。Fried: deep fry till golden in color in hot oil pot.只须于航班启航前24小时联络我们的订票部即可。You need to inform our local reservations office at least24hours before your scheduled flight.只需轻烫即可。I just want a light perm.最后下调味料将牛肉及粉丝兜匀,盛于椰菜上,即可享用。Lastly add in seasoning and stir beef and vermicelli over the cabbage.serve.最后用牛至做装点,即可食用。If desired garnish with oregano; serve.


交银行即可兑现 payable on presentation

即可兑换成货币的资产 quick assets

即可兑现的 quick

即可操作使用 immediate operational use

租船契约一经签订立即可以装货的船 spot ship

立即可信用 ready credit

立即可取报告 quick access report

立即可售出的资产 marketable assets

立即可用的信用 immediate credit; ready credit

立即可用的水带线 live lineready line

立即可用的胶管 live line

立即可用的资金 immediately available fund

英国规定享受一种福利即可享受其它福利的"护照"制度 `passport'' system

