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解职的英文翻译 解职英文怎幺说 解职的英文例句




    to dismiss from office
    to discharge
    to sack

dismiss [dis'mis]

    vt.解散,下课,开除,解职,使(或让)离开 vi.解散

office [ɔfis; (-) 'ɔ:fis]


discharge [distʃa:dʒ]

    vt.卸下,放出,清偿(债务),履行(义务),解雇,开(炮),放(枪),射(箭) vi.卸货,流注 n.卸货,流出,放电


钟斯先生即将被解职Mr Jones will be dismissed forthwith.有人 怀疑他是由于人事上的原因而被解职的。One suspects he was dismissed for political reasons.理解职位分析在战略管理以及人力资源管理中的重要性。Understand the importance of job analysis in strategic and human resource management.沙龙解职了内阁部长和那个投票反对这个计画的副部长。Sharon fired cabinet minister and a deputy minister who voted against the plan.他因不诚实而被解职。He was discharged for dishonesty.


员工解职金 employee payment for removal

员工解职金,员工遣散费 employee payment for removal

被解职 be relieved of her duties; be relieved of his duties; be relieved of my duties; be relieved of our duties; be relieved of their duties; be relieved of your duties

解职 discharge; dismiss from office; relieve from post; remove from office; discharge; dismissal from office; removal from office

解职费 compensation for discharge; compensation for removal from office

解雇人员名单,解职人员名单 names off the payroll

解雇费,解雇金,解职费 dismissal pay; redundancy payment; retirement payment; severance pay; separation pay; separation allowance; retirement pay; layoff pay; terminal wage; compensation for removal; termination pay

调职和解职旅费 travel on appointment,transfer and separation

