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街市的英文翻译 街市英文怎幺说 街市的英文例句




    downtown streets

downtown [dauntaun]

    adv.在市区,往市区 adj.市区的


我就想驾车在城里兜兜,看看主要街市。I just want to drive around town and check out the main strip.把我和家人身处的街市夷为平地And leveled the bazaar that I was in with my family.李华明议员就“街市空气质素调查”提出质询。Hon fred li wah-ming raised a question on "survey on air quality of markets"任何人不得在私营街市内行为不检。No person in a private market shall behave in a disorderly manner.任何人不得在公众街市内大小便,但在公厕内则不在此限。No person shall obey the call of nature in a public market except in a public latrine.任何人不得在任何街市内大小便,但在公厕内则不在此限。No person shall obey the call of nature in any market except in a public latrine.远处看很得意的一只熊仔,但被丢在湿滑街市旁的垃圾筒。This abanboned bear besides the rubbish bin near the wet market.

