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揭示的英文翻译 揭示英文怎幺说 揭示的英文例句




    to show
    to make known

show [ʃәu]

    n.表示,展览,炫耀,外观,假装 v.出示,指示,引导,说明,显示,展出,放映

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

known [nәun]

    adj.知名的,大家知道的 vbl.know的过去分词


主题艺术品或文学作品中反复体现的、揭示主题的部分A recurrent thematic element in an artistic or literary work.最后揭示了线性变数替换映射下波锋集的传播规律。In the end the propagation rule of wave front set under linear substitution mapping is given.


主要客户资讯的揭示 disclosure of information about major customers

交易所揭示牌 marking board

会计方针的揭示 disclosure of accounting policies

公开揭示原则 principle of disclosure

公开揭示原则,公开原则 principle of disclosure

公开揭示的原则 disclosure principle

广告揭示场 bill posing station

承租人租约义务的揭示 disclosure of lease commitments by lessees

揭示 unripping

揭示于其他企业财务报告的财务报表分部资讯的报告 reporting segment information in financial statements that are presented in another enterprise''s financial report

揭示牌 marketing board

机务段运行揭示 running service-bulletin of depot

石油和天然气生产业务的揭示 disclosures about oil and gas producing activities

赌金揭示板 tote board

退休金资讯的揭示 disclosure of pension information

长期债务的揭示 disclosure of long-term obligations

