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街上的英文翻译 街上英文怎幺说 街上的英文例句




    on the street

street [stri:t]



天气很冷,向北面的街上刮起了一阵刺骨的冷风。The day was cold with a nipping wind down the northward running streets.停留在街上的妇女都不蒙面纱Women dwell in the streets unveiled.小贩们在街上叫卖他们的货物。Peddlers cry their wares in the street.小贩在街上叫卖货物。The peddler bawled his wares in the street.小孩子会在大街上嘲笑你The proles will laugh at you in the street.夜间在街上走不安全。It's not safe to walk the streets at night.一些企业关闭了它们在森德兰的大街上的商店。A number of businesses have closed their high street shops in sunderland.在10点15分,有人向外面的街上扔了一枚炸弹。At10:15somebody threw a bomb outside in the street.在大街上走着的那个人胸前身后各挂一幅“请来乔氏餐馆”的夹板广告。The man walking along main street wore a sandwich board saying "eat at joe's".在街上行兇抢劫,甚至在光天化日之下行兇抢劫,是常见的事。Mugging in the streets even in broad daylight was common.在街上躺了两个小时后,酒鬼醒了过来走回家去。After lying on the street for two hours the souse sobered up and walked home.在街上躺了两个小时后,酒鬼醒了过来走回家去。After lying on the street for two hours the souse sober up and walk home.在找到持枪歹徒之前,员警得彻底搜查街上的每幢房子。The police had to shake down every building in the street before they found the gunman.


不在街上的 off street

在街上 in the street

在街上散步 did the block; do the block; done the block

在街上走一夜 carried the banner; carry the banner

在街上过夜 get the key of the street; got the key of the street; have the key of the street

维持街上秩序 police the street

