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借钱的英文翻译 借钱英文怎幺说 借钱的英文例句




    to lend money
    to borrow money



money [mʌni]


borrow [bɔrәu]



我们过去曾借钱给他,所以了解实情。We've lent him money before and we know the score.我也不富裕,你还是去家境宽展的老李那儿借钱吧。I am not well-off either. You'd better borrow money from laoli who is comfortably off.许多随随便便借钱的人现在面临着严重的经济困难。Many people who borrowed money incautiously now face severe financial difficulties严酷的事实是,再没有人愿借钱给我们。The brutal fact is nobody will lend us any more money.别指望问乔借钱,他是个十足的守财奴。There's no point in asking joe to lend you the money-he's a real tightwad.来表示。例如:每当我要跟他借钱的时候他就跟我哭穷。He would poor-mouth to me whenever I come to borrow money.他向高利贷者借钱一赌场豪赌,终于失去所有金钱。As he borrowed money from a usurer to gamble in casino and he lost all the money at last.她轻率地答应借钱给他。She had rashly promised to lend him the money.我跟他借钱,他只是拿话搪塞却分文未借。I asked him to lend me some money but I got nothing except the runaround.我可不是轻易借钱给别人的人。I am not a soft touch.我们不得不借钱以弥补收支间的差额。We have to borrow money to cover the shortfall between expenditure and revenue.许多人染上了赌博的恶习,愈陷愈深,不能自拔,于是向高利贷者借钱还债。Many took to gambling and got in over their heads borrowing from shylock to pay their debts.


不借钱给某人 refuse a person money

人...处借钱 borrow

借钱 borrow

借钱信 begging letter

前债未索还又借钱出去 send the axe after the hatchet; sent the ax after the helve

向...借钱 put the arm on

或借钱 go on the hook for

通融借钱 accommodate money

