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解救的英文翻译 解救英文怎幺说 解救的英文例句




    to rescue
    to help out of difficulties
    to save the situation

rescue [reskju:]

    vt.援救,营救 n.援救,营救

help [help]

    n.帮忙,补救办法,助手,治疗,佣工 vt.帮助,助长,接济,治疗,款待 vi.有用,救命,招待 [计] 显示命令格式的简短概述

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

save [seiv]

    vt.解救,保存,保全,保留,节省,储蓄 vi.挽救,节省,救球 prep.除...之外 n.救球


以色列国防军在1976年7月恩塔培解救人质是怎幺一回事?What is the story of the idf's operation to release the hostages from entebbe in july1976?布琳希尔德战神奥丁的侍女之一,被施了魔法后沉睡不醒,后被西格德解救A valkyrie who is revived from an enchanted sleep by sigurd.从前的战俘解救现在的"Former pow saves current one."乌瑟尔与银手骑士团赶来,在熔炉谷解救了阿尔萨斯。Uther and the knights of the silver hand rescues arthas at hearthglen.倖存者被从残骸中解救出来。Sunrvivors were freed from the wreckage.


从飞机中解救出来 aircraft extrication

利用职务阻碍解救被拐卖、绑架的妇女、儿童罪 crime of obstructing the rescue of kidnapped and sold women or children by taking advantage of official posts

聚众阻碍解救被收买的妇女、儿童罪 crime of gathering a crowd to hinder the rescue of sold out women and children

解救 extrication

解救井 relief well

解救危局 save the situation

