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解开的英文翻译 解开英文怎幺说 解开的英文例句




    to untie
    to undo

untie [ʌn'tai]

    vt.解开,解放,解决 vi.鬆开,解开

undo [ʌn'du:]

    vt.解开,鬆开 v.取消 撤销


我怎样解开安全带?How can I unfasten the seat-belt?沃恩,我告诉你解开链子Verne I told you to unhook the chain.系在上面的通过拉动结能解开的东西。A knot that can be undone by pulling against the strain that holds it.现在您可以解开安全带了。Now you can unfasten your seat belt.硬木钉一种大的、两头渐尖的钉,在接合绳头前用来解开一股绳A large tapering pin used to open the strands of a rope before splicing.在我解开丝带时,父母和我共度的那些美好时光浮现在我脑海。When I untied the riband parents with me live through those goodliness time had rayed in my brain.这青年解开了自己的莎笼。The youth unbound his sarong.正是那个行星可以、如果适用、解开那在所有的关係难题当中的暗礁和缠结。It is the planet that can if applied unloose the snags and snarls of any relationship problem.只能在报警系统关闭时挂接或解开拖车。Only hitch or unhitch trailers when the alarm system is off.


从...处分开解开 detach from

解开 disengagement; unbind; uncoil; undo; unfasten; unhitch; unloose; wind off

解开...的带子 unstrapped

解开冰冻 n. open ice

解开包冰 n. open pack ice

解开吊索 unsling

解开绳结 disentangle rope

