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结交的英文翻译 结交英文怎幺说 结交的英文例句




    to make friends with

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

friends [frend(s)]



他结交那些人后就开始堕落了。He's gone to bad since he made friends with those people.别和坏人结交。Never make friends with bad companions.大家可以在这个房间交流音乐相关的东西,结交国外爱好音乐的朋友。Beyond reality radio this chatroom is about beyondrealityradio we can exchange opinions about this!宋歌:希望结交吹长笛的朋友。Song ge: hope to know more flutist friends.她总是试图结交有钱人。Always tries to cultivate rich people.与虔诚之人结交,倾听其话语并铭记在心。Seek the fellowship of godly men harken unto their words and remember them.她挣得很高的薪金,并结交了一群享有特权的阔朋友。She earned a large salary and accumulated a group of privileged and well-off friends.


与...结交 consort with

与...结交朋友 make friends with

与自己不相称的人结交 chuck herself away on; chuck himself away on; chuck myself away on; chuck ourselves away on; chuck themselves away on; chuck yourself away on; chuck yourselves away on

同...结交 pal up with

和...结交 keep company with

完结交易 closed transaction

未了结交易 open trade

未完结交易 open trade

结交 kept company with

联结交易 tied transaction

