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结存的英文翻译 结存英文怎幺说 结存的英文例句




    cash in hand

balance [bælәns]

    n.秤,天平,平衡,[商] 收支差额,结余,余额 v.平衡,称,权衡,对比,结算 n.资产平稳表

cash [kæʃ]

    n.现金 vt.兑现

hand [hænd]

    n.手,掌管,协助,支配,插手,指针,雇员,手艺 vt.支持,搀扶,交给


我要查一下银行户头的结存余额并提一些钱。I have to check the balance of my bank account and withdraw some money.未付的结存是八千美元。The balance owing is$ 8000.


代理商结存 agent''s balance

冻结存款 blocked deposits; frozen deposits

国外存款结余,国外结存 foreign balance

基本结存额 fund balance

基金结存额 fund balance

外汇结存 foreign balance

存户结存 in credit

官方英镑结存保值 guarantees of official sterling balance

帐面滚存价值,帐面结存价值 carrying value

帐面结存价值 carrying value

最优现金结存额 optimal cash balance

永续结存单 perpetual inventory sheet

现金收支及结存表 statement of receipts and disbursements and cash balance

现金结存 cash in balance

结存 cash on hand balance; goods on hand; inventory

结存价值 carrying value

结存盈余 balance to surplus

结存证明书 balance affidavit

结存额 amount of balance; balance

股票结存 share balance

英镑差额,英镑结存 sterling balance

银行存款余额证明书,银行结存额证明书 certificate of bank balances

银行结存 bank balance

闲置帐户结存 dormant balance

