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结冰的英文翻译 结冰英文怎幺说 结冰的英文例句




    to freeze

freeze [fri:z]



你看到热狗肠上都快结冰了You can almost see the icing on that hot dog.水结冰时体积膨胀。Water expands when it freezes.水在摄氏零度结冰。Water freeze at zero celsius.我们的机尾结冰警示灯报警We have a tail rotor de-ice caution light我汽车的挡风玻璃上又开始结冰了。My windscreen started to ice up again.有时候,霜会让刀身结冰The frost sometimes it makes the blade stick.这样可防止机翼结冰。That will prevent the wings of the aircraft from icing up.密苏里河的一部分河面结冰了。Part of the missouri was frozen over.你能以正常速度通过积雪和结冰的地域。You can move through snow-covered and icy terrain at your normal movement.一旦结冰,鬆脆的蜂胶就很容易脱落下来了。Once frozen the brittle propolis is easily broken off.原来是一块结冰的水。A frozen patch of water ice.


使...面上结冰 freeze over

全面结冰 froze over

动态结冰探测器 dynamic ice detector

易结冰水域 ice-prone waters

波罗的海结冰期保证条款 Baltic ice warranty

海面未结冰处 n. polyn''ya

结冰 be frozen into ice; freeze out; frost over

结冰封住 freeze in

结冰期 iceformation period气温下降,河水温度随之下降到0°C或稍低于0°C河流出现冰淩的时期。

结冰气候 freezing weather

结冰预感器 ice anticipator

表面结冰 n. ice cover

表面结冰的 iceglazed

观察结冰 n. tented ice

防结冰 icing protection

防结冰器 deicer

非结冰气候 nonfreezing weather

