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接班的英文翻译 接班英文怎幺说 接班的英文例句




    to work one's shift
    to succeed to a position
    to take over a job (on the next shift)

work [wә:k]

    n.工作,劳动,操作,职业,[物]功,手工,作品,机件 v.(使)工作,(使)运转,起作用,造成,产生,经营,(使)渐渐移动,煆制

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

shift [ʃift],轮班,移位,变化,办法,手段 vt.替换,转移,改变,移转,推卸,变速 vi.转换,移动,转变,推託,变速

succeed [sәk'si:d]

    vi.(~ in) 成功 v.继...之后,继任,继承,取得成功

position [pә'ziʃ(ә)n]

    n.位置,职位,立场,形势,阵地 vt.安置,决定...的位置

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

over [әuvә(r)]

    adv.结束,越过,从头到尾 prep.在...之上,越过 adj.上面的 vt.额外的东西,越过 n.额外的东西


检查交接班记录、操作记录,监督员工ppe的佩戴情况。Check hand-over records operation records and supervise the ppe wearing of the staff.您大约停留三小时后,就能搭上转接班机。You'll have about a three-hour layover before your connecting flight.史密斯先生的声望使他成为主席的当然接班人。Mr smith's popularity makes him the chairman's heir apparent.说到底,我觉得它做不了前代海盗船和巡逻机的接班人。All in all it didn't feel worthy of being both the corsair and the scout's replacement.也许普京先生将会慢慢淡出,将梅德韦杰夫先生树立为一个强有力的接班人。Maybe mr putin will slowly fade out building up mr medvedev as a strong successor.建立保证领导人才培养与接班的方法。Develop themeans to ensureleadership development and succession.他是总统布希的接班人。He is president bush's successor.西班牙的新一代已做好接班的準备。Spain's new generation waits in the wings.


交接班制 shift system

接班 have spell

接班人 successor

接班计画 succession plan

管理人员接班 management succession

