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接枝的英文翻译 接枝英文怎幺说 接枝的英文例句



[jiē zhī]

    (tree) graft

tree [tri:]

    n.树,木料,树状物 vt.赶上树 n.[计] 显示驱动器的子目录结构 vi.爬上树,逃上树

graft [gra:ft; (-) græft]

    n.嫁接,(接技用的)嫩枝,(皮肤等的)移植,赎职 v.嫁接,接技,移植(皮肤等),赎职


反应温度是影响接枝共聚的另一重要因素,增加反应温度可显着加快接枝共聚速度。The rate of graft copolymerization markedly increases with reaction temperature.接枝苏氨酸化合物可以吸附铜铁钙三种金属离子。Threonine grafted compound could adsorb cuprum iron and calcium.结果表明,确实发生了接枝共聚。It showed that the graft copolymerization really took place.考察了单体浓度、发剂浓度、合温度对接枝共聚反应的影响。Effeets of monomer concentration and reaction time on the graft copolymerization were studied.利用红外光谱对接枝共聚物进行了表徵。The graft copolymer was indentified by ir.介绍具阳离子型澱粉接枝改性产物cgs-2的合成方法,并就其泥浆性能进行了室内初步评价。This paper deals with the synthesis of cgs--2fluid loss controlling agent for mud.


三元接枝氯丁胶 three component grafted chloroprene adhesive

丙烯腈-酪蛋白接枝共聚物纤维 acrylonitrile-casein graft copolymer fibre

丙烯腈接枝人造丝 acrylonitrile-grafted rayon

希农聚丙烯腈-蛋白质接枝共聚纤维 Chinon

希农聚丙烯腈-蛋白质接枝共聚纤维 Chinon

接枝人造丝 grafted rayon

接枝共聚合 graft copolymerization

接枝共聚物 graft copolymer

接枝剂 grafting agent

接枝明胶 grafted gelatin

接枝橡胶 graft rubber

接枝氯丁胶 grafted CR adhesive

接枝纤维 grafted fibre

接枝聚合 graft polymerization

接枝聚合物 graft polymer__又称"接枝共聚物graft copolymer)"。

辐射诱导接枝 radiation induced grafting

酪蛋白-丙烯腈接枝共聚纤维 casein-acrylonitrile graft copolymer fibre

