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接续的英文翻译 接续英文怎幺说 接续的英文例句



[jiē xù]

    to follow
    to continue

follow [fɔlәu]

    vt.跟随,追随,沿...而行,理解,遵循,从事,追求,注视 vi.跟随,接着 n.跟随,追随

continue [kәn'tinju:]



本章接续上一章谈到的内容。This chapter takes up where the last one left off.1亚比雅与他列祖同睡、葬在大卫城里。他儿子亚撒接续他作王。And abijah rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of david.玻璃纸接续用胶带,The cellophane continues with the adhesive tape四、铁路信号电缆接续附件。Heat-shrinkable accessories for railway signal cable.他儿子玛拿西接续他作王。And manasseh his son succeeded him as king.铁路信号电缆的接续防护。Used for the junction of railway signal cable.任何加倍或再加倍被接续合法实质叫牌取代。Any double or redouble is superseded by a subsequent legal bid.装配图,接续图这样一个系统或接构的计画或略图A plan or schematic drawing of such a system or such a configuration.


光纤接续损耗 optical fiber splice loss

塞钉式钢轨接续线 plug bond

接续 succeed to

接续保险 preliminary term insurance

接续器 connector

接续插头 adapter plug

接续读数 consecutive reading

波导管锥形接续器 conical taper

点对点长途自动接续 point to point toll automatic dialling

焊接式钢轨接续线 welded bond

螺纹接续端塞 threaded adaptor end stop

钢轨接续线 rail bond

长途半自动接续 toll semi-automatic dialling

长途半自动接续台 toll switch board for semi-automatic operation

长途接续台 manual toll switching board

长途自动接续 toll automatic dialling

