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节车的英文翻译 节车英文怎幺说 节车的英文例句



[jié chē]

    a train
    articulated vehicle

train [trein]

    n.火车,列车,行列,后果,顺序,长队,长袍(裙)拖地的部分,导火线 vt.训练,培养,瞄準,(园艺)整枝 vi.锻炼

articulated [ɑ:'tikjuleitid]


vehicle [vi:ik(ә)l; (-) 'vi:hikl]



火车撞车时前两节车厢叠嵌在一起了。The first two carriages of the train telescoped in the crash.餐车已挂(在末节车厢)上。The dining-car was coupled on (to the last coach).我将坐在第三节车厢。I'll be sitting in the 3rd carriage from the front of the train.那个火车头能拉多少节车厢?How many coaches can that locomotive pull?餐车已挂在末节车厢上。The dining-car was coupled on to the last coach.大概是背着包想跳上一节车厢时……Probably tried to hop a freight while he had a bag on...吸烟者和不吸烟者在同一节车厢里无法享受同样的自由。Smokers and nonsmokers cannot be equally free in the same railway carriage.该库目的在于为12节车厢动车组提供每週和每月检查。The purpose of this shed is to provide both weekly and monthly inspections on12car train sets.客运服务由351节车卡提供,每列火车拖行12个车卡。Passenger traffic was carried in a fleet of351cars operated in train formations of12cars.我们该坐哪一节车厢?Which railway carriage should we take?下节车厢是吸烟车厢,你可以到那儿抽烟。The next car is the smoking section you can smoke there.又挂上了一节车厢。Another railway carriage has been hitched on.这位员警背起他穿过10来节车厢,送到卧车里。The policeman put him on his back and crossed a dozen coaches to reach the sleeping-car.

