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藉的英文翻译 藉英文怎幺说 藉的英文例句



    surname Ji

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


我总是藉由缓慢的深呼吸来纾解紧张。I always take a slow deep breath to relieve tension.性格软弱者总以含糊和拖延为慰藉。Vagueness and procrastination are ever a comfort to the frail in spirit.一个因暴力和勒索而声名狼藉的那不勒斯秘密组织。A secret society in naples notorious for violence and blackmail.在没有办法时,怀疑论者就可能会藉助于列数种种据称是人类所独具的才能。As a last resort the sceptic may fall back on cataloguing man's supposedly unique abilities.总督会同行政局可藉命令修订附表1。The governor in council may by order amend schedule1.总督会同行政局可藉在宪报刊登的命令─The governor in council may by order published in the gazette-


以...为藉口 under the cloak of

地藉测量控制 cadastral control

声名狼藉 be in bad odour; be in ill odour

慰藉金 consolation money

船藉港 home port

藉...为口实 under cover of

