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鸡蛋的英文翻译 鸡蛋英文怎幺说 鸡蛋的英文例句




    (chicken) egg
    hen's egg

chicken [tʃikәn]


egg [eg]

    n.蛋,鸡蛋,卵 v.怂恿,怂恿

hen [hen]



要单面煎的鸡蛋。With fried eggs sunny side up.一个半熟的鸡蛋。A soft-boiled egg please.一种具有腐烂的鸡蛋臭味的硫化物。A sulfide having the unpleasant smell of rotten eggs.一种绕着一圈金属丝的装置;用来混合鸡蛋或奶油。A device incorporating a coil of wires; used for whipping eggs or cream.用不着教你的祖母如何吸食鸡蛋。Do not teach your grandmother to suck eggs.用来打碎鸡蛋或搅拌奶油的装置。A device for beating eggs or whipping cream.由捣碎的南瓜、牛奶、鸡蛋和食糖做成的馅饼。Pie made of mashed pumpkin and milk and eggs and sugar.愿你的鸡蛋能阳光明媚Keep your eggs sunny-side up.在干乳酪里焙烤或者煨鸡蛋的技巧就是掌握时间和火候。The trick of shirring and simmering the eggs in seasoned cream is timing and temperature.正在趁她父亲发现前喝醒酒生鸡蛋呢With a prairie oyster trying to sober up before her father sees her.


全鸡蛋粉 dried whole hen egg

冰全鸡蛋 frozen whole hen egg

冰鸡蛋白 frozen hen egg albumen

冰鸡蛋黄 frozen hen egg yolk

喷雾法处理的干鸡蛋黄粉 dried hen egg yolk,spray process

奶油鸡蛋饼 egg and cream shortcake

巴士德消毒冰全鸡蛋 frozen whole hen egg,pasteurized

巴斯德消毒干全鸡蛋 dried whole hen egg,pasteurized

牛奶鸡蛋饼 butter and egg biscuit

甘油鸡蛋黄 glycerinated hen egg yolk

腌鹹鸡蛋 preserved and salted egg

苯甲酸钠盐鸡蛋黄 salted liquid hen egg yolk,sodium benzoate

鲜鸡蛋 fresh hen egg

鸡蛋 hen egg

鸡蛋太妃 egg toffee

鸡蛋杏仁饼乾 almond egg biscuit

鸡蛋芝麻饼 cracker with egg and sesame

鸡蛋黄粉 dried hen egg yolk

