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    Basic Law

basic [beisik]

    n.基本,要素,基础;adj.基本的,硷性的;Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code,初学者通用符号指令代码

law [lɔ:]

    n.法律,诉讼,法学,法治,司法界,规律 v.对...起诉,控告 [军] Light Anti-Tank Weapon,轻型反坦克武器


香港回归祖国后,按照《基本法》实行高度自治。Hong kong has been enjoying a high degree of autonomy under the basic law.《基本法》第十三条规定:Article13of the basic law of the hksar provides that:a:如果人大常委会认为该法律不符合基本法,怎幺办呢?What if the npc standing committee consider the law not conformable to the basic law?附注:《基本法》第七十九条内容如下:Note: article79of the basic law provides as follows:基本法除赋予我们财政自主权外,还赋予我们很多其他方面的自主权。The basic law gives us far more than financial autonomy.基本法律或传统被认为神圣不可侵犯。Basic law or tradition was considered inviolable.总共有24处对基本法草案的修正意见提交上来。A total of24revisions to the draft basic law were proposed.


保护消费者基本法 fundamental law for the protection of consumers

信息基本法 information basic law

军事基本法 basic military law; fundamental military law

军需基本法规 basic regulation on military supplies

农业基本法 Basic Agricultural Law

劳动基本法 basic labor law

商业基本法 basic commercial law; basic law of commerce

基本法 basic law; fundamental law

基本法则 ground rules

基本法律 basic laws; fundamental laws

基本法律以外的法律 laws outside the basic law

基本法律规範 basic norms of law; fundamental norms of law

基本法律课程 basic law courses

森林基本法 fundamental forest law

澳门基本法 Basic Law of Macao

环境保护基本法 basic law of environmental protection

非基本法律 nonbasic law; nonfundamental law

