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弧形的英文翻译 弧形英文怎幺说 弧形的英文例句





arch [a:tʃ]

    n.拱门,弓形结构,拱形 v.(使)弯成弓形 adj.主要


海象的弧形长牙。The curved tusks of a walrus.海岸呈一大弧形向北伸展。The coast sweeps northwards in a wide curve.介绍了hzd-4000弧形堆料机的底盘结构。The chassis structure of hzd-400arc stacker was introduced.流星呈弧形在空中划过。The meteor arched across the sky.


双圆弧形翼型 lenticular air-foil

反向弧形阀门 reversed tainter valve门面凸向下游,水準旋转轴固定在阀门井的上游的弧形阀门。

圆弧形钻头 round-arc bit

弧形切割机床 arc-shape cutting machine

弧形切口 curved incision

弧形列岛 festoon of island; island arc

弧形券 segmental arch

弧形刻度板 graduated arc; graduated limb

弧形喷射法 lob method

弧形坝 curve dam

弧形堰 curve weir

弧形屋顶 bowstring roof; compass roof

弧形带 arcus又称"弓形带"。

弧形放鬆板 arc-shaped releasing plate

弧形斑 conus

弧形暗点 arcuate scotoma

弧形桁架 belfast truss

弧形楼梯 curved stairs, winding stairs

弧形筛 sieve-bend screen

弧形纹 plain arch

弧形结晶器 curved mold

弧形脉序 arcuate venation

弧形视野计 arc perimeter

弧形视野计斜视测量法 arc perimeter strabismometry

弧形转动闸门 drum gate

弧形转门堰 drum weir

弧形连铸机 bow-type continuous caster

弧形重力坝 curve gravity dam

弧形铅版铸造机 curved plate casting machine

弧形锁 arc chain

