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击毙的英文翻译 击毙英文怎幺说 击毙的英文例句




    to kill
    to shoot dead

kill [kil]


shoot [ʃu:t]

    n.射击,发射,摄影,急流 vt.射击,投射,伸出,拍摄,用完,挥出,给...注射,使爆炸 vi.射出,射击,发出,发芽,射门,拍电影

dead [ded]

    adj.死的,无感觉的,呆板的,不流动的,(语言、习惯)废弃了的,熄灭的 n.死者 adv.完全地,绝对的,突然的


败军在溃逃时有很多人被击毙或俘虏Many men were shot or captured in the debacle.他抢先拔出手枪,将叛徒击毙。He beat the traitor to the draw and shot him dead.通姦将受到投石击毙刑的处罚。Adultery would be punished by lapidation..他不是被击毙而是被毒死的。He is not shot, he is poisoned.那卫兵被杀伤力大的火枪击毙了。The guard was killed with a high-powered rifle.1934年,银行抢劫犯“娃娃脸尼尔森”在与联邦调查局的枪战中被击毙。Bank robber baby face nelson dies in a shoot-out with the fbi.上个週末这两个人在一场激战中被击毙。The two men had been shot during fierce fighting last weekend.他们奉命一见到杀人犯就立即把他击毙。They were ordered to shoot the murderer at sight.在5分钟的自动火力齐射中,28名游行示威者被击毙,188名受了伤。Twenty-eight demonstrators were shot dead and188wounded in a5-minute fusillade of automatic fire.持枪的歹徒残杀了15名儿童后,被警方一位女神枪手击毙。The gunman had mown fifteen children down befor he was shot by a police markswoman.当他们已经看到乌迪内时,亨利的一个伙伴被一个义大利狙击手击毙。Within sight of udine one of henry's group was killed by an italian sniper.那男子试图拒捕时在自己的屋外被击毙。The man was shot outside his house as he tried to resist arrest.


击毙 gun down; shoot dead

