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驾驭的英文翻译 驾驭英文怎幺说 驾驭的英文例句




    to urge on (of horse)
    to drive
    to steer

urge [ә:dʒ]

    vt.催促,力劝 n.强烈欲望,迫切要求 v.促进

horse [hɔ:s]

    n.马,[总称]骑兵,脚架,马力 vi.骑马,作弄人 vt.使骑马,系马于

drive [draiv]

    n.驾车,驱动器,快车道,推进力,驱使,动力,干劲,击球 vt.开车,驱赶,推动、发动(机器等),驾驶(马车,汽车等) vi.开车,猛击,飞跑 n.[计]驱动器


他越来越钦佩弗兰克林?罗斯福驾驭这套总是停蹄不前的马车的本领。More and more he admired franklin roosevelt's ability to drive this balky team.要驾驭舆论似乎不大可能。It seems unlikely to command a consensus.初学骑马的人应该骑一匹容易驾驭的性情温和的马。The beginner should be mounted upon a quiet horse that is light in the mouth.翻译:那是一种来自于随心所欲驾驭自己的安心,踏实和轻鬆的感觉。There is an ease a sureness a lightness of touch that comes from the mastery.驾驶者可以安全自由的驾驭您的bmw任意驰骋。Up until that point the driver can give their sporting ambitions free rein.驾驭困难就是赢得机会。Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.马没有人驾驭,自己悠悠哉哉地往前走着。The horse paced leisurely on unguided.你能驾驭一只帆船吗?Can you manage a sailing boat?因为中文是一种较难学,较难驾驭的语文,除了肯下一番苦功去学的人。Because the chinese language is harder to learn and master except for the stout-hearted.


不服驾驭 jump the traces

不肯受驾驭 bad mouth

为服驾驭 kick over the trace

受驾驭 in the traces

肯受驾驭 good mouth

驾驭 rein

