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互通的英文翻译 互通英文怎幺说 互通的英文例句




    to intercommunicate
    to interoperate

intercommunicate [intәkә'mju:nition]

    `IntEkE9mjUtion systens//内keIt/v.互相连络,:nI`keIFEn/n.互喜客ɑ跋低,内部突ネㄏ


如何有效管制互联互通?How to regulate interconnections effectively?通讯技术实际上是设备与设备之间的互通互联。Communication technology actually means the interconnection between equipment-to-equipment.显赫的家族之间相互通婚;因此上层社会的人差不多都是沾亲带故。Leading families intermarry; practically everyone in the top flight is thus related.


互传人兽互通病 amphixenosis

互让政策,互通有无政策 give-and-take policy

互通基金 mutual fund

互通式立交 interchange

互通式立交收费站 interchange toll station

互通性 interoperability

互通有无 make up for each other''s shortages; mutual exchange of needed goods; help supply each other''s needs; each supplies what the other needs

互通有无政策 give and take policy

互通状 thamnasterioid

互通视点 intervisible points

人传人兽互通病 zooanthropozoonosis

人兽互通病 zoonosis

兽传人兽互通病 anthropozoonosis

媒介人兽互通病 meta-zoonosis

寄生性人兽互通病 parasitic zoonosis

平等互利、互通有无 equality and mutual benefit and mutually supplying each other''s needs

迴圈人兽互通病 cyclo-zoonosis

污染人兽互通病 sapro-zoonosis

使用者与电脑的交互通信 interactive user-computer communication

直接人兽互通病 direct zoonosis

相互通视 mutual visibility

相互通货帐户 mutual currency account MCA)

相互通货持有 mutual currency holding

