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货栈的英文翻译 货栈英文怎幺说 货栈的英文例句




    a warehouse

warehouse [weәhaus]

    n.仓库,货栈,大商店 vt.贮入仓库,[经]以他人名义购进(股票)


当他向货栈走去的时候,他看到一只老鼠从一个纸袋里伸出脑袋注视着他。As he walked toward the freight house he saw a rat take its head out of a paper bag and regard him.废品旧货栈用来堆放旧货,如废金属或可转售的汽车零件等的庭院或场地A yard or lot that is used to store junk such as scrap metal or resalable car parts.我们已开始使用新的货栈大楼。We have opened our new warehouse facial.


供销社贸易货栈 trade-warehouse of supply ad marketing cooperatives

供销社贸易货栈管理 management of trade-warehouses of supply and marketing cooperatives

入口港货栈价 ex importation dock price

内地保税货栈 inland clearance depot

内陆货栈 inland depot

在交货栈交货 at godown

在货栈交货 at godown

总货栈 central storerooms

暂存货栈 temporary store

未完税买方货栈交货价格 ex buyer''s bounded warehoues,duty unpaid

未完税买方货栈关货价格 ex buyer''s bounded warehoues duty paid

货栈 warehouse; storeroom; station warehouse

货栈交货 ex store; ex warehouse; at godown

货栈单 warehouse warrant

货栈担保 field warehousing

货栈损益 profit and loss of warehouses or godowns; profit and loss from warehouses

货栈看守人 godown keeper

货栈证券 warehouse warrant

货栈费用 storeroom expenses

贸易货栈 trading warehouses

过路货栈 transit godown

进出货栈 joint-locked warehouse

