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加薪的英文翻译 加薪英文怎幺说 加薪的英文例句




    raise salary

raise [reiz]

    n.上升,高地,提出 vt.升起,唤起,提高,使出现,解除,饲养,筹集,使复活

salary [sælәri]

    n.薪水 vt.给...加薪


全体员工到公司总部要求加薪。Employees marched en masse to the company headquarters for pay raise.有一个感人的故事,讲的是有个女人终于决定去向老闆提出加薪的要求。A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary.得知她将得到提级和加薪,她很开心。She was happy to know that she would get a promotion and an increase in salary.工资冻结使他加薪的希望破灭了。The wage freeze squashed his hope of a raise.矿工们为支持加薪要求而举行罢工。The miners have come out on strike in support of their pay claim.他们答应给他加薪。They promised him a raise.他们为加薪而罢工。They went on strike for higher pay.他那吝啬的雇主不肯给他加薪。His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise.我压抑我的自尊心要求加薪。I pocked my pride and asked for a raise.


加薪 salary increase raise

年终加薪 year-end bonus

年资自动加薪 step-up

延迟加薪 deferment of increment

按级加薪数 salary increment

法定加薪 statutory salary increase

考绩加薪 merit increase

附加薪资 supplements to wages and salaries

