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火灾保险的英文翻译 火灾保险英文怎幺说 火灾保险的英文例句



[huǒzāi bǎoxiǎn]

    fire insurance;fireinsurance

fire [faiә(r)]

    n.火,炉火,火灾,失火,闪光,炮火,热情,激情 vt.点燃,烧制,使发光,给(炉子等)加燃料,放枪,激动,解雇 vi.开枪,射击,着火,烧火,激动

insurance [in'ʃuәrәns]



根据火灾保险合同,他能有权要求一笔钱。He can claim against the fire insurance.东京海上火灾保险公司。Tokyo marine and fire insurance company ltd.还有,林泽先生得到了火灾保险And what's got his fire insurance.我们的财产作了火灾保险。Our insurance covers our belongings against loss by fire.


全国火灾保险商商会 National Board of Fire Underwriters

库存物资的火灾保险 fire insurance on stock and supplies

森林火灾保险 forest-fire insurance

火灾保险 fire insurance

火灾保险业者 fire underwriter

火灾保险公司 fire-insurance office; fire office; fire insurance company

火灾保险公司委员会 Fire Office Committee

火灾保险公司报告 fire report

火灾保险公司消防员 fire insurance brigade

火灾保险公司的检查 fire company inspection

火灾保险办公室 inspection bureau

火灾保险协定率 fire insurance tariff rate

火灾保险单 fire policy

火灾保险商研究与试验组织 Fire Insurers'' Research and Testing Organization

火灾保险征书 fire insurance policy

火灾保险条款 fire risk clause

火灾保险树 fire insurance tree

火灾保险测定 fire insurance surveying

火灾保险牌 fire mark

火灾保险率评定局 rating bureau

火灾保险级别 fire insurance rating

火灾保险者联合协会 national board of fire under writer

火灾保险费 fire insurance premium

火灾保险费率 fire insurance rate

火灾保险费科目 fire insurance a/c

火险,火灾保险 fire insurance; insurance against fire

