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加强的英文翻译 加强英文怎幺说 加强的英文例句




    to reinforce
    to strengthen
    to increase

reinforce [ri:in'fɔ:s]

    vt.加强,增援,补充,增加...的数量,修补,加固 vi.求援,得到增援 n.加固物

strengthen [streŋθ(ә)n]



他们必须加强中央的权威。They had to reinforce the center.他需要少吃肉食和艰苦的锻炼来增加强体质。He needs a meat diet and planty of hard exercise to toughen him up.


人孔加强圈 manhole ring

使更加强烈 goose up

全部加强结构容器 n. complete superstructure vessel

全面规划、加强领导 comprehensive planning and more effective leadership

冰区加强 ice strengthening

冰区加强油轮 ice-strengthened tanker

加强 buttress; reconsolidate; reinforce; rib; ruggedise

加强了的 stepped up

加强产品品质的监督管理原则 principle of reinforcing supervision and control over product quality

加强创伤生命支持 advanced trauma life support

加强剂 augmenter

加强剂量 booster dose

加强劳动管理 improving labor management

加强劳工安全 enforcement of labor safety

加强劳工安全与改进劳工卫生 enforcement of labor safety and improvement of sanitation for labor

加强半圆头方颈螺栓 strong oval head square neck bolt

加强型光缆 ruggedized fiber optic cable

加强型工作胶鞋 heavy-duty rubber work shoes

加强型电缆 ruggedized cable

加强套 reinforcing sleeve

加强层 reinforcement

加强廉政建设 strengthening clean government

加强征管税收 enhance tax levying and management

加强心脏生命支持 advanced cardiac life support

加强接缝 reinforced seam

加强控制 tighten the screws

加强杆 stiffener

加强板 doubling plate

加强构件 tension member

加强架 n. hog frame

