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价钱的英文翻译 价钱英文怎幺说 价钱的英文例句





price [prais]

    n.价格,价钱,代价 vt.给...定价,问...的价格,标明价格


她向他问汽车的价钱。She asked him the price of a car.我和u。m。p谈了一个那幺好的价钱I negotiated a hell of a good price with u.m.p.我愿出他们三倍的价钱。I'm willing to treble what they're offering.我愿意出高于标价的任何价钱跟你买And I'd be willing to pay anything above sticker price.无论它多贵,我将付给您实际的价钱。”I'll pay the real price no matter how expensive it is.一种很小的灵长目动物金狮小绢猴可以卖到2万美元甚至更高的价钱。The golden lion tamarin a tiny primate goes for$ 20000or more.有菜式和价钱固定的菜单吗?Do you have a set menu?尤莲妲?有些人是炒手。炒手就是那种把自己拍卖的东西价钱哄抬炒高的人。Yolanda: there are shills. A shill is someone who bids up the price of their own sale.由于有机耕作困难且耗时,因为有机农作物价钱较昂贵。Since organic farming is time-consuming organically grown produce tends to be expensive.这表值这价钱。It is worth the price.这枚钻石指环在设计上很有品味,价钱自然也相当昂贵。The diamond ring is tasteful in design and is of course very expensive.


付出过高的价钱 pay through the nose

以比市价高的价钱 at a price

价钱 bid up

价钱便宜 money being cheap

价钱公道 reasonable price; street price

价钱昂贵 money being dear

出更高的价钱 overcall

卖好价钱 obtain a high price

卖得好价钱 fetch a good price

哄抬价钱 bad up; bidden up

哄抬拍卖物的价钱 bid up

好价钱 bon prix; good price

少讨价钱 under charge

新价钱 new terms

浮报价钱 salt an account

老价钱 old terms

赔本价钱 junk price

