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浇铸的英文翻译 浇铸英文怎幺说 浇铸的英文例句




    to cast (molten metal)
    to mold

cast [ka:st; (-) kæst]

    n.投掷,铸件,脱落物,一瞥,演员表 v.投,抛,投射,浇铸,计算,派(角色)

molten [mәult(ә)n]

    v.熔化 adj.熔铸的

metal [met(ә)l]


mold [mәuld]

    n.模子,铸型 vt.浇铸,塑造


低粘度多用途树脂,用于室温浇铸和层压。Low viscosity multipurpose resin used for casting or laminating at room temperature.浇铸阿马托比浇铸梯恩梯较易爆炸。Amatols in the form of cast charges detonate more readily than tnt in the same form.实际浇铸试件的解剖结果与数值模拟结果基本相符。The real dissecting pouring castings had the same results as the numerical simulation.


再熔浇铸 n. remelted casting

圆铅版浇铸机 curved stereotype casting machine

墨辊浇铸机 inking roller casting machine

实心浇铸 n. solid casting

浇铸 teem; typecasting

浇铸半径 casting radius

浇铸台 casting bed

浇铸週期 casting cycle

浇铸成型法 casting moulding

浇铸机 casting machine liquid filling machine

浇铸树脂套管 castresin bushing

浇铸样 casting sample

浇铸炉衬 cast lining

浇铸用车 casting carriage

现场浇铸的 cast in place

真空浇铸 vacuum casting

离心式浇铸机 centrifugal casting machine

离心浇铸 spun in; spunin

离心浇铸机 centrifugal casting machine

离心浇铸轴承 spun bearing

粉浆浇铸 slip casting; slipcasting

粉浆浇铸製件 slip casting

近终型浇铸 near-net-shape casting

连续浇铸 continuous casting

