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脚下的英文翻译 脚下英文怎幺说 脚下的英文例句




    under the foot

under [ʌndә(r)]

    prep.在...之下,在...之内,在...领导下,低于,假借 adv.在下

foot [fut]

    n.足,底部,英尺,音步(英诗),步调,步兵,末尾 vt.走在...上,支付,给...换底,结算 vi.步行,跳舞,总计


位于山脚下的那座房子是个人疗养所。The house that stands at the foot of the hill in a rest-home for workers.我们脚下的地面突然开始摇晃。The ground suddenly began to quake under our feet.我们脚下的石头似乎在散发出热来。The stones under our feet seemed to radiate heat.我们终于走上山脚下的公路,大家心里都如释重负。It was a great relief when we finally hit the road at the bottom of the mountain.于是饿狼到山脚下,The wolf went to the bottom of the hill.


匍匐在...的脚下 grovel at the feet of

在...的脚下 at the feet of; at the foot of

把...碾在脚下 grind something under one''s heel

拜倒在...的脚下 at the feet of; fling oneself at one''s feet

拜倒在...脚下 fall at someone''s feet

踩在脚下 trample on; trample upon; trod under foot; trodden under foot

