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交谈的英文翻译 交谈英文怎幺说 交谈的英文例句




    to discuss
    to converse

discuss [dis'kʌs]


converse [kɔnvә:s]

    n.相反的事物,倒,逆行 adj.相反的,颠倒的 vi.谈话,交谈,认识


他与总统有过一次交谈。He had a visit with the president.他正愉快地和她交谈。He is talking with her pleasantly.她过去常常进入催眠状态,与神灵交谈。She used to go into a trance and talk to the spirits.我们应该和外国人交谈。We should talk to foreigners.我让他们全都互相交谈。I let them talk all mutually.以无讲稿的自然对话、交谈等为基本教学方式的语言课。A language course based on natural unscripted dialogues conversations etc与快乐的人交谈会给人一种耳目一新的感觉。It makes a refreshing change t talk to someone who's happy.在电脑辅助筛选法中,求职者与一位元“电子面试考官”进行交谈。During a computer assisted screening job seekers speak to a "tele recruiter.在写作间隙他总是和自己的阳物交谈。When not working on his writing he engages in conversations with his penis.只(通过)与他交谈,你就能知道克拉克是个博学的人You can tell that clark is well-read just by talking to him.


与...交谈 communicate with; converse with

与亲密地交谈 commune with

交谈 interlocution

交谈服务 talk

同...交谈 talk with

和...交谈 rap with

在一起亲密地交谈 commune together

外交谈判 diplomatic talks;diplomatic negotiation

开始愿与别人交谈 came out of her shell; came out of his shell; came out of my shell; came out of our shells; came out of their shells; came out of your shell; came out of your shells; come out of her shell; come out of his shell; come out of my shell

电话交谈法 telephone interviewing

自由交谈讯问法 free conversation method of interrogation

融洽的交谈 flow of soul

