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货到付款的英文翻译 货到付款英文怎幺说 货到付款的英文例句



[huòdào fùkuǎn]

    cash on delivery;COD;cash on arrival;cash in delivery;cash on deliver;pod;cash on delivery [COD]

cash [kæʃ]

    n.现金 vt.兑现

delivery [di'livәri]

    n.递送,交付,分娩,交货,引渡 n.[律] 财产等的正式移交 发送,传输

cod [kɔd]

    n.鳕 cash on delivery [商]货到付款 COD(Cash on Delivery)

arrival [ә'raiv(ә)l]



货到付款好吗?Is cash on delivery okay?可以用货到付款的方式支付海运费吗?Can I pay the shipping fees cod?我不反对货到付款。I'm not opposed to cash on delivery.我公司不接受货到付款的支付方式,但可以考虑随单付款的支付方式。We won't accept payment in cash on delivery but may consider payment in cash with order.我公司不接受货到付款的支付方式。We won't accept payment in cash on delivery.我公司坚持货到付款。We insist on payment in cash on delivery.我们的付款方式是货到付款。Our payments are cash on delivery我们坚持货到付款,不打任何折扣。We insist on payment in cash on delivery without allowing any discount.


货到付款 cash on delivery; cash against delivery; cash on arrival; pay on delivery; cash on arrival; payment on delivery

货到付款价格 cash on delivery price; COD price

货到付款包裹 cash on delivery parcel; COD parcel

货到付款手续费 cash on delivery commission; COD commission

货到付款证 cash on delivery certificate; COD cerficicate

货到付款销售 cash on delivery sale; COD sales

