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教会的英文翻译 教会英文怎幺说 教会的英文例句




    to show
    to teach

show [ʃәu]

    n.表示,展览,炫耀,外观,假装 v.出示,指示,引导,说明,显示,展出,放映

teach [ti:tʃ]



信奉天主教的西班牙人在逐出犹太人后,统一了教会,在精神上获得了安全感。Catholic spain had by expelling its jews achieved the spiritual security of a united church.在罗马书,保罗写给罗马教会的信,有这样的话In the book of romans pauls letter to the church in rome states


东正教教会法 canon law of the Orthodox Eastern Church

基督教会公司 ecclesiastical corporation

基督教会法人 ecclesiastical corporation

天主教会 the Roman Catholic Church

天主教会刑法 canonical criminal law

宗教会议 consistory

接受教会的救济 go on the parish

教会世界理事会 church world service

教会人员特权 benefit of clergy; church wardenship

教会公司 ecclesiastical corporation

教会建筑用地 fabric lands

教会所属土地 glebe

教会法 canon law; ecclesiastical law

教会法典 canon law code

教会法学 canon jurisprudence; ecclesiastical jurisprudence; science of canon law

教会法学派 canonist

教会法规 canon law

教会法院 church court; ecclesiastical court; ecclesiastical jurisdiction

教会特许法庭 Court of Faculties

教会财物 ecclesiastical things

离开教会 jump over the wall; leap over the wall

红衣主教会议 congregation

罗马教会 the Roman Catholic Church

罗马教会法大全 corpus juris cannoici the doby of the canon law

罗马教会的最高裁判庭 Apostolic Signatura

逐出教会 excommunication

靠教会救济过活 go on the parish

