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焦急的英文翻译 焦急英文怎幺说 焦急的英文例句





anxiety [æŋ'zaiәti]


anxious [æŋkʃәs]



这位参赛选手正在焦急万分地等待她最后的得分。The contestant was waiting for her final score on pins and needles.不一会儿,媚兰来到了厨房里,她手里还拿着餐巾,满脸焦急的神色。In a minute melanie was in the kitchen her table napkin in her hand anxiety in her face.飞行员焦急地在天空中他仔细搜索着其他飞行器。The pilot was anxiously scanning the sky for other air traffic.观众中传出了因恐怖而倒吸气的声音,然后便是焦急的不停的窃笑。There was an indrawn breath of horror from the audience and then the anxious and everlasting titter.焦急的想要开始;渴望去。Impatient to begin; raring to go.焦急地等待最后的分数Sweat out one's final grades.是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题It is that thinking which made me ask an unquiet question calmly他焦急地催促付款。He pressed for the payment unbearably.她焦急地摇着他被太阳晒黑的肩膀,唤醒了他。She woke him anxiously shaking at his sunburnt shoulders.为丢失了钥匙而焦急In a stew over the lost keys.我们花了两小时焦急地等结果。We spent two nail-biting huors waiting for the result.


为...伤脑筋焦急 bother her head

为...而焦急 be anxious about; be anxious for; fret about

焦急 all of a sweat; bother herself about; bother himself about; bother his head; bother my head; bother myself about; bother our heads; bother ourselves about; bother their heads; bother your head; fret and fume; fretted and fume; in a fret

焦急万分 be all anxiety; have one''s heart in one''s boots; have one''s heart in one''s mouth

焦急不安 all of a doodah

焦急操心 bother themselves about

焦急着 with great anxiety

