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活门的英文翻译 活门英文怎幺说 活门的英文例句



[huó mén]


valve [vælv]

    n.阀,[英] 电子管,真空管


气缸组1和2的切换活门通过连杆来同步促动。The switching flaps for cylinder bank1and2are actuated synchronously via a connecting link.现在我正在装配新的活门镜子Right now I'm grooving with these new mirrors I got.安装带扭转弹簧的新活门。Install new flap with a torsion spring.检查中央活门中的电位计。Check potentiometer in the central flap.它没有不寻常的设计特点,例如额外的谐振活门或其他可移动的部件。It has no unusual design features such as additional resonance flaps or other moveable components.外流活门的电动机也不工作了We've lost power to the outflow valve motor.这只箱子被放到了舞台的地板活门上面。The box was placed over a trapdoor in the stage.


主导活门 n. director valve

分流活门 n. pilot valve

单活门的 single valved

提升活门 n. poppet valve

放气活门 bleeder cock

旁通活门 n. by-path valve

挡烟活门 damper of smoke

氧气活门 oxygen valve

活门顶杆 valve push rod

溢流活门 n. flooding valve

滑动活门 n. shuttle valve

燃烧主活门 n. burner master valve

瓣状活门 leaf valve

盘式活门 n. poppet valve

自动节流活门 auto throttle

表面放气活门 n. surface blow-off valve

防火活门 fire shutter

阻气活门 choke valve

