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活结的英文翻译 活结英文怎幺说 活结的英文例句



[huó jié]

    a slip-knot
    a noose


    n 1 knot that can slip easily along the rope on which it is tied, to tighten or loosen the loop 滑结(可沿绳滑动改变鬆紧者). 2 knot that can be undone by pulling one end of a rope 活结(拉绳的一端可解开者)

noose [nu:z]

    n.套索,束缚,陷阱,(the noose)绞刑 vt.用套索捉


反抓拉紧,活结圈套绳子一端通过拽拉系住的活结索套A knot in a rope made by a half hitch with the end of the rope fastened back by seizing.打着活结、前面垂着长长的尾巴的围巾类。Neckwear worn in a slipknot with long ends overlapping vertically in front.打着活结一头儿压在另一头儿的长领带。A long necktie that is tied in a slipknot with one end hanging in front of the other.活结领带打活结的领带,长的一端垂在另一端之前A necktie tied in a slipknot with long ends left hanging one in front of the other.捆绑用的一种有活结的套索。A small slip noose made with seizing.其中一个我发誓我打了个活结One half of me swearing blind that I tied a simple slipknot我们戴上睡帽上床睡觉,一天的生活结束了。We had a nightcap before bedtime to round off a perfect day.


撇缆活结 heaving line slip knot

活结 slipknot

系缆活结 slip racking

