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脚步的英文翻译 脚步英文怎幺说 脚步的英文例句





footstep [futstep]


step [step]

    n.脚步,步幅,步调,步伐,步骤,措施,梯级,台阶 v.走,举步,移步,踏 产品资料转换规範


我脚步刚落在第一层梯级上就被她抓住了胳臂。I had my foot on the first rung when she grabbed my arm.推着婴儿车、拖着脚步往前走的胖女人。A fat woman shuffling along with a pushchair.我们听到他在楼上脚步沈重地四处走动。We heard him tramping about overhead.我们在路上走的时候,我妹妹一直拖着脚步磨蹭。My sister was scuffing her feet as we walked down the road.我听到踢踢踏踏的小孩脚步声了吗?Do I hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet?一种包括有节奏拍打脚步的舞蹈。A dance involving a rhythmical stamping step.因为太不留心脚步,他被绊倒了-g。b。肖。While thus unmindful of his steps he这一次,这位前经理边走边吃,默默地拖着沉重的脚步走过夜色中的街道,回去睡觉。On this occasion the ex-manager ate his as he went plodding the dark streets in silence to his bed.


拖着脚步 drag her feet; drag her heels; drag his feet; drag his heels; drag my feet; drag my heels; drag our heels; drag their heels; drag your heels; dragged her feet; dragged her heels; dragged his feet; dragged his heels; dragged my feet

拖着脚步走 pad it; pad the hoof; padded the hoof

拖着脚步走到 shufflw up to

拖着脚步走开 shuffle off

站稳自己的脚步 dig her heels in; dig her toes in; dig his heels in; dig his toes in; dig my heels in; dig my toes in; dig our heels in; dig our toes in; dig their heels in; dig their toes in; dig your heels in; dig your toes in; dug her heels in

脚步 n. foot step

脚步轻快 light of foot; lit of foot

跟...的脚步走 tread in the steps of

