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活检的英文翻译 活检英文怎幺说 活检的英文例句



[huó jiǎn]


biopsy [baiɔpsi]



骨髓活检有什幺结果?What'd the bone marrow biopsyshow?合格的肾活检最少要有6个肾小球。The one glomerulus at the lower center appears normal.活检排除了排异反应Biopsy was negative for rejection.活检太痛苦而且没必要Biopsy's painful and unnecessary.活检组织取自左前臂。The biopsy was taken from left forearm.让wilson活检他的唾液腺Get wilson to biopsy his salivary glands.研究人员在一年后和两年后分别进行了子宫内膜组织活检。Inestigators performed biopsies on the endometrium at1and2years.照片取自左颞叶脑肿瘤处活检。The photos are taken from a resected left temporal lobe brain tumor.脑活检显示没有白质疾病Brain biopsy shows no white matter disease.摘要目的总结超声引导自动肾活检的经验。Objective to summarize the experiences of automatic kidney-biopsy guided by ultrasound.


内镜活检管道开口 endoscopic biopsy channel opening

刷拭活检 brush biopsy

剥脱活检 strip biopsy又称"大活检"。

吸引活检术 suction biopsy

宫颈活检 cervical biopsy

开胸肺活检 open lung biopsy

心内膜心肌活检术 endomyocardial biopsy

活检穿剌器械包 biopsy needle set

滑膜活检 synovial biopsy

热活检 hot biopsy

直视下活检术 direct vision biopsy

移植肾活检 renal graft biopsy

细针抽吸活检 fine-needle aspiration biopsy

经会阴活检 transperineal biopsy

经尿道活检 transurethral biopsy

经支气管肺活检 transbronchial lung biopsy

经皮针刺肺活检 percutaneous needle lung biopsy

经直肠活检 transrectal biopsy

绒毛膜绒毛活检 chorionic villus biopsy

肺活检 lung biopsy

肾活检 renal biopsy

肾穿刺活检 renal needle biopsy

胸腔镜肺活检 thoracoscopic lung biopsy

脑活检 biopsy of brain

脑立体定向活检 stereotactic biopsy of brain

钳夹活检术 forceps biopsy

